
Practical experience acquired during work in areas of law, taxes and finance combined with the knowledge and educational activity at Wroclaw University of Economics enabled us to create open and closed training programmes, adjusted to our Clients` individual needs.

We always focus on presenting issues bearing in mind their practical perspective, illustrating the training with examples that fully allow for uncertainties connected with its topic to be solved.

Open trainings are dedicated to persons in decision-making positions in the companies, and responsible for a company`s finances. In practice, we try to organize the training sessions limited by the number of participants. It facilitates the communication, and also enables an ongoing explanation of doubts raised during the training.

Closed trainings are addressed to the teams composed of several employees, specialists or managerial staff, responsible for legal, tax or financial (including financial or managerial accountancy) aspects of the company. The organization of the training in small groups helps to make good use of the expert knowledge, and gives participants the possibility of asking questions and solving problems on the basis of practical examples. The closed training programme is always prepared together with the Client, making it ideally suited to the company`s current needs.

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